From the Father
Around 5:53 pm on Febuary 14th 2006 I fell into my wifes arms full of tears and emotion. We had just completed a step in our lives as our son was born. His name would be Landon Lane Williams and he would change my life in ways I will be discovering for years to come. Standing there I could only wonder how my father must have felt as I came into this world. As wimpers and cries came from our little friend I felt the need to take my camera and capture those first few moments. With the press of a button I captured one moment that was full of hope, inspiriation, love, dreams, and joy. Even as I type this I feel tears of joy streaming down my face. Joy and I had worked so hard as a team to get our little guy here. She had done so well. I have never felt as close to her as I did at that final moment of delivery. Not to say that I don't love her tremendously but at that instant I felt as one with her. As the baby was being treated with O2 to help with his breathing I lay across Joy crying with happiness. "We made it baby! We made it. Landon is here" Those were the words I spoke to her as she lay there in the bed. We both had wondered for so long what our little guy would look like, what he would sound like, all sorts of thing. Now we finally knew. It truly is a gift. It's amazing how much the mother goes through to bring a life into this world. Joy was such a trooper. The creation of life is an amazing thing and when the day comes and you see whats been hiding inside for so long you will feel nothing but absolute joy. In a moment, I was changed forever.